Corners Outreach welcomes Adrianne Hamilton-Butler as Chief Operating Officer

Corners Outreach welcomes Adrianne Hamilton-Butler as Chief Operating Officer

In her role as COO, Adrianne will offer strategic, operational, and financial guidance to Corners Outreach, ensuring the organization fulfills its mission to “Equip Metro Atlanta’s underserved students of color and their families to lead full lives through educational development and economic opportunities”. With extensive experience in the Atlanta non-profit sector, Adrianne is a results-oriented leader who excels in driving organizational growth and effectiveness. Her expertise encompasses strategic development across boards, staff, fundraising, program management, and financial oversight, making her a valuable addition to Corners Outreach.

Corners Outreach is a 501c3 founded in 2012 with a vision to have “One community where every person thrives, no matter their color, status or background”. Corners Outreach offers three paths to impact the metro Atlanta community: volunteering, donating and becoming a customer. All three change lives. Many who enter one path, add other paths and invite others to connect.

In 2021, Corners Outreach created and paid out over $1 million to local parents. When you buy from Corners Outreach, you not only receive great products and services, but you are improving the lives of local families.